
Let us run, together!

stormy days, promised rainbow

Why Does He Work So Hard?

The Lord goes out to fight like a warrior; he is ready and eager for battle. He gives a war cry, a battle shout; he shows his power against his enemies. ~ Isaiah 42:13 GNT

Have you ever noticed how the devil works? He shines a spotlight on something, so that your focus is drawn to one, small item. Fear, threats, and even desire all work the same, which is why the devil uses the same M.O. He fixes a light on one, small possibility, which is broadcast as a future reality. The devil’s no idiot. He knows the buttons to push and the angles to work. He knows what lies and half-truths to feed us so that we’ll fall for anything he says.

But why does he work so hard to get you to believe his half-truths, threats, and lies?

“…if the devil is working that hard to keep me from moving forward, there must be some blessing or beauty from heaven he’s trying to divert me from… Aren’t you at least a little bit curious what he’s trying to keep you from experiencing?” ~ Priscilla Shirer, Fervent

Spiritual warfare will either cause you to grow weary and flounder or it will cause you to draw nearer to Christ. As you draw nearer to Christ, you’ll become more aware of your surroundings: that your feet are on the Rock, that the Lord is a Banner over you, and it’s His Battle Cry that encourages your heart.

We flounder for a bit with new attacks and seasons of surprise. But God isn’t surprised. As soon as we seek the Lord’s presence, He brings peace. It’s through resting in His presence that we’re able to see clearly. We may not learn the answers, and defeating the devil won’t be easy. But as you realize the devil is using fear to divert your attention, you’ll begin to realize that it’s because he’s afraid of what will happen if you succeed. The devil knows the power of the Lord and he is subject to it. He also knows he’s in trouble if you ever start walking in the full power and authority that’s available to you by the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

“Seriously? You’re attacking me over a salad on State Street. What are you afraid of?” ~ Graham Cooke

Why does he work so hard? Because the devil is afraid of you, O Mighty Warrior of the King! He’s afraid of the Name, the one that’s sealed your destiny and designed your purpose. And he’s afraid that if he doesn’t stop you, you’ll train and encourage others to be strong in the Lord.

The choice is yours: Will you let the devil stop you or will you charge ahead?

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