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Tower of Strength
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The character of God is a tower of strength, for the lovers of God delight to run into his heart and be exalted on high. ~ Proverbs 18:10 TPT
On 9/11/2001, the Twin Towers were struck. According to several articles, it was because they symbolized “America’s economic power and prosperity,” (9/11 FAQs | National September 11 Memorial & Museum, n.d.). Our attackers hoped that their demise would cripple Americans with fear.
Fear will either paralyze someone or move them to action. But no one was thinking about fear, or the repercussions of the day, at 7 a.m. Everyone was starting the day, just like every other:
He got up, got dressed for work, and headed out the door. Today was the day it would all change for him. He was starting a new job, a new way of life. After orientation, his boss showed him to an office and asked him to file while she was in a meeting. A while later, he began to hear a commotion. People were yelling and running. He stuck his head out of the office and saw the burning twin towers on TV and the reporter talking about the concerns for the President. Then someone in the office said, “Air Force One is across the street! Should we evacuate the building?” No one gave an answer, for they were all staring at the TV in horror. He moved back into the office and closed the door, his mind whirling.
Standing in that office, leaning up against the door, he was afraid. “What if I die today? What if they take out the President’s plane and this office with it? What if my girlfriend was right about Jesus, and I miss it?” He began to remember what his friends had said one night after work, so many years ago. They had talked about a Savior. Not a mean God, but One who loved him and who would accept him. Sliding down to the floor, he said, “God I give you my heart. From this day forward, I’m Yours.”
The devil struck hard that day and many lives were lost. The stories from 9/11 are gut-wrenching, to say the least. If you’re in your 30s or older, I bet you know where you were on that dark day. The world seemed to stand still. Many people were paralyzed by fear – just what our attackers wanted.
But not all stood still. Many ran into the fight. Many are heroes! And at least one was reborn that day. 9/11/2001 was the day my husband surrendered his life to Christ!
The Bible says the Lord is a tower of strength, and a stronghold on the day of trouble. I pray that if the memory of this day brings you pain or fear, that you’d run to God, and take refuge in Him.
The Lord is good, A strength and stronghold in the day of trouble; He knows [He recognizes, cares for, and understands fully] those who take refuge and trust in Him. ~ Nahum 1:7 AMP