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The Lord’s Symphony
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
~ Psalm 96:11-12 NIV
Have you ever needed a moment (or two) for yourself? Have you ever wanted to step away for a short break? When you did, where did you go? Because it was a nice summer day and the rest of my family was elsewhere, I went to a trail near our house and sat on a bench.
As I sat there, surrounded by grassy fields, trees, and wildflowers, I thanked God for the quiet, beautiful day. The sun was warm on my skin, (meaning this redhead couldn’t stay out very long), the breeze was soft, and the scenery was peaceful. And that’s when I heard it: the Lord’s symphony.
Even though it was void of the noises of my house, work, or people rushing to and fro, that field was teeming with life. Multiple kinds of birds were calling to one another. A nearby creek was running. The wind was tickling the leaves in the trees, on the bushes, and on the hanging vines. Even the plane flying high overhead joined in, all combining to create the Lord’s masterpiece.
And who gets to hear it? For whom did He make it?
Is it for the deer, ducks, and dogs? Is it for the bugs, butterflies, and bumblebees? Is it for the fish, frogs, and fireflies?
Yes, and it’s also for walkers, runners, and bikers. It’s for the kids in their yards and the parents watching nearby. It’s even for the busy people, those rushing to and fro, on their way somewhere.
The Lord composed His symphony for you and for me – for any who will stop and enjoy what His hands have made with us in mind. Take a moment today and enjoy the Lord’s symphony.