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Swirling, pulling, dragging me down, the waves are churning all around. Fear and anxiety bind my arms and legs, sucking me down and down in a whirlpool of worry. I have taken my eyes off of my Lord—off of my Jesus. I’m so sorry. Sorry I made the fear and circumstances higher than You. Forgive me. Like a flash of light, His anchor of hope is thrust into the water, breaking up the ties that bind me. I am freed and grab hold of Him, my Anchor of Hope.
Holding tightly, the Anchor is hoisted from the churning seas. As I cling tightly to my Anchor, I see the storm rage on all around—the clouds black as night, the seas churning and swirling, the waves slapping, the rains driving—but I am kept safe. I cling to my Anchor, my Love, my Hope, my Father, who is strong, firm, and steadfast.
When we take our eyes off Jesus—even but a moment—we can get caught up in the waves of worry and the riptides of fear and anxiety which eventually suck us into a whirlpool, dragging us down, down, down, until we are lost. But turning our hearts back to Jesus, we can hold to His hope and peace. If you’ve been caught by the whirlpool of worry with fear and anxiety binding you, turn your heart and your eyes back toward your Anchor of Hope, cling to Him, and He will lift you from the sea.
We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go. It’s an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of God where Jesus, running on ahead of us, has taken up his permanent post as high priest for us ~ Hebrews 6:18-20 MSG