
Let us run, together!

The abounding faithfulness of the Lord remains. His mercies are new every morning.


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You woke up this morning with expectations. Likely, you expected there to be food in your house and clothes to wear for the day. If you live some place warm, you expected it to be warm. If you live in the mid-west, you probably expected it to be cold. Whatever you expected to happen physically, what did you expect to happen spiritually? What did you expect of the Lord?

Hopefully, you still believed that Jesus cares about you, knows you, and has a good purpose and plan for your life. What about His promises and His love? Did they change because the date on the calendar did, or because things didn’t go your way. The answer is no: “I am the Lord, and I do not change,” (Malachi 3:6).

If God doesn’t change, then we can rely upon His love and promises to also remain unchanged. Lamentations 3:21-23 speaks to this:

Yet this I call to mind
    and therefore I have hope:

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.

There are a few important words in this passage. Compassions is a Hebrew word meaning, “God’s lovingkindness; His loyal and covenant love”. Every morning means “continually”. Your faithfulness is “a divine attribute of God’s faithfulness and trust”. And finally, great is “abounding”. Abounding has synonyms like “filled, flush, replete, and teeming.” The Lord’s faithfulness isn’t just good. His faithfulness is brimming. It’s abundantly supplied. It’s full to overflowing. The Lord’s loyal, covenantal love for you is like a bucket that’s so full it keeps overflowing onto you, but it never runs out; that’s full to overflowing. That’s how great God’s love, His mercies, His compassion, and His faithfulness are for you.

The earth won’t last forever. People, science, and our own strength will eventually fail us. But the faithfulness of the Lord shall remain. And He will display His great love for us in new ways every morning. Great, abounding, and full-to-overflowing is His faithfulness!

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