
Let us run, together!

We're in this together


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Glorify the Lord with me;
    let us exalt his name together. ~ Psalm 34:3 NIV

In 2016, I remember that it became popular to have a “word” for the year. I never knew what to think of it. This year, however, the Lord gave me one.

Right away in Psalm 34, there is a call to action, bringing the Lord’s people together: “Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together.” Whatever else we do this year, let us praise and bless and adore the Name of the Lord TOGETHER

We need each other to make it! Life gets hard and the enemy is fierce. But the warriors of the Lord, though they may look like tiny mustard seeds, are bold, resolute, dauntless, fearless, intrepid. Intrepid means resolutely fearless. This year, in the face of whatever the devil tries to throw at us, let’s be resolutely fearless! That comes by standing firm with our brothers and sisters in Christ and by praising the Name of the Lord TOGETHER

Father, I pray for each person reading this. Whatever they are facing, let today be the day that they look to You and remember that they are not in this battle alone. Not only do we have each other, but most importantly, You are always with us, a banner over us. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen. 

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