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They’re Just Threats
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Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you … ~ Isaiah 41:10 AMPC
I was awakened at 2:22am, at the end of a horrible nightmare. It was then that Holy Spirit reminded me of a truth from a previous Sunday’s sermon: “[Satan] threatens us with things he can’t do.” The pastor’s words are a good reminder that the devil is “a liar and father of lies,” (John 8:44). Satan comes not as a herald of truth. He is only a propagator—a spewer—of lies.
His lies come in the form of words, threats, and even physical attacks on the body. Literally two hours after submitting my book for publication, I was hit with weird physical pain. Though it was only discomfort at first, the pain became very intense. As the pain got serious, so did my stance against the enemy’s attack. You don’t fight a fire by running away, but with Holy Water: The Name of Jesus!
After an overnight battle, which included prayer, worship, and communion, I checked-in with a nurse to ensure I wasn’t ignoring something. I heeded her physical recommendations and continued my prayers. Thankfully, God knew I was going to face this battle, so He prepared me in advance.
In preparation for publishing my first book, I’ve been reviewing a lot of other authors’ books, especially their layout and covers. As I was flipping through the pages of Kim Anderson’s book, Live, Not Die, I reread her battle plan. Though her book is about her battle with and victory over cancer, this is still spiritual warfare. Kim Anderson’s words reminded me to not just speak scripture over my life, but to also speak life and health to all my body parts. By adding her battle plan to mine, and continuing to look to Jesus for my healing, I was feeling 100% by the following evening.
Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually]. ~ 3 John 1:2 AMP
Being wise to the devil’s schemes doesn’t keep him from attacking me, (hello, 2:22am!). It also doesn’t mean I am always quick to recognize his attacks. But as the Lord remains faithful to equip me for incoming attacks and to walk with me when they arrive, I know that with Christ I can overcome.
So don’t worry, because I am with you.
Don’t be afraid, because I am your God.
I will make you strong and will help you.
I will support you with my right hand that saves you. ~ Isaiah 41:10 ICB
God is Omniscient: ALL Knowing.
God is Omnipotent: ALL Powerful.
God is Omnipresent: Always Everywhere.
There is no time or place to which God’s knowledge, power, and presence do not extend.
When we remember who God is, how can we fear anything the devil might threaten?